STEP 05 - Instruction for Researches & Writings |
Researches and Writings (Initial Page)
Click [Modify] button on the bottom to enter details. |
Researches and Writings (Details Page)
Fields marked with * are compulsory information and must be filled out.
Please note that the compulsory field (*) varies depending on classification.
You can enter your dissertation scheduled for publication only when you selected an International Journal such as SCI/SSCI/A&HCI. If your dissertation is not published, then check "Scheduled for Publication".
If you selected an international journal such as SCI/SSCI/A&HCI, you must enter "Impact Factor" and "ISSN".
Research and Publications (Data Page) |
To modify the information about research achievements you provided, click the title of the presentation and modify the information in the details page.
Click [Add] to enter additional research achievements.